Denver Problem Solving Courts

DIVERT Court (formerly known as Drug Court) —District Court 

DIVERT Court is a specialized court designed to provide offenders with felony drug possession charges with the opportunity and responsibility to manage their substance abuse problem through probation supervision and close judicial oversight. Potential participants undergo screening by the District Attorney’s Office to determine their eligibility. The process is designed to move quickly so that offenders can begin treatment and supervision. An eligible offender who wants to take part in DIVERT Court serves 90-days in Denver County Jail and is then on probation for a minimum of three years.

RESTART—District Court 

The RESTART (Recognizing and Establishing Smart Treatment Alternatives for Recovery and Transition) Program is for individuals arrested on their 4th or subsequent DUI, DWAI or DUI Per Se offense.

An alternative to lengthy incarceration, it is a multi-phase program that includes conviction, jail, and probation sentence, intensive community supervision, treatment, and substantial judicial oversight. Potential participants undergo a separate pre-sentence screening by the District Attorney’s Office to determine their eligibility for the program.

Upon entry into the program participants serve a jail sentence, and while in jail, participate in a substance use treatment program. Upon release, participants are referred for treatment with one of the contracted providers which includes but is not limited to individual counseling and group therapy. While the RESTART docket is part of the Denver Adult Drug Court, RESTART has a different phase structure and other requirements that differ from those in the drug court program.

Sobriety Court—County Court

Sobriety Court is a special treatment court in Denver County for misdemeanor offenders.  It was developed to reduce the recidivism of drunk driving in Denver. This program is voluntary and eligibility for the program is based on legal screening. It consists of three phases and is approximately 19-24 months in length. For information about this program click here.

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Denver District Attorney
370 17th Street
Suite 5300
Denver, Colorado 80202

Main phone number: 720-913-9000
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